Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

The mission of New Life Friends Church is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus taught us to go, and so we go into our community serving, providing compassion and love, showing the world outside the walls of the church who Jesus is. 

The Vision

New exists to passionately, authentically, and purposefully show Jesus
That's our Mission statement, it's what drives us to go into our community and show them who Jesus is. We create programs and provide access to services for anyone who is in need. We believe God has a plan for a big work in our area and throughout the world. We will continue to do everything we can for anyone, whether you attend a church or not. You are loved and valued and we will always strive to make sure that you know it, just as Jesus would have.

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